Source code for limix.stats._lrt

from __future__ import division

from numpy import abs as npy_abs
from numpy import asarray, clip, inf, sqrt

[docs]def lrt_pvalues(null_lml, alt_lmls, dof=1): r"""Compute p-values from likelihood ratios. These are likelihood ratio test p-values. Parameters ---------- null_lml : float Log of the marginal likelihood under the null hypothesis. alt_lmls : array_like Log of the marginal likelihoods under the alternative hypotheses. dof : int Degrees of freedom. Returns ------- array_like P-values. """ from scipy.stats import chi2 from numpy_sugar import epsilon lrs = clip(-2 * null_lml + 2 * asarray(alt_lmls), epsilon.super_tiny, inf) pv = chi2(df=dof).sf(lrs) return clip(pv, epsilon.super_tiny, 1 - epsilon.tiny)
[docs]def effsizes_se(effsizes, pvalues): r"""Standard errors of the effect sizes. Parameters ---------- effsizes : array_like Effect sizes. pvalues : array_like Association significance corresponding to those effect sizes. Returns ------- array_like Standard errors of the effect sizes. """ from scipy.stats import chi2 return npy_abs(effsizes) / sqrt(chi2(1).isf(pvalues))