API reference

I/O module

limix.io.bgen.read(filepath[, size, …]) Read a given BGEN file.
limix.io.bimbam.read_phenotype(filepath) Read a BIMBAM phenotype file.
limix.io.bimbam.see_phenotype(filepath) Shows a summary of a BIMBAM phenotype file.
limix.io.csv.read(filename[, sep, header]) Read a CSV file.
limix.io.csv.see(filepath, header[, verbose]) Shows a human-friendly representation of a CSV file.
limix.io.hdf5.fetch(fp, path) Fetches an array from hdf5 file.
limix.io.hdf5.fetcher(filename) Fetch datasets from HDF5 files.
limix.io.hdf5.read_limix(filepath) Read the HDF5 limix file format.
limix.io.hdf5.see(f_or_filepath[, …]) Shows a human-friendly tree representation of the contents of a hdf5 file.
limix.io.npy.read(filepath[, verbose])
limix.io.npy.save(filepath, X[, verbose])
limix.io.npy.see(filepath[, verbose])
limix.io.plink.read(prefix[, verbose]) Read PLINK files into Pandas data frames.
limix.io.plink.see_bed(filepath, verbose)
limix.io.plink.see_kinship(filepath, verbose)
limix.io.plink.fetch_dosage(prefix, verbose)

Quality control

limix.qc.boxcox(x) Box Cox transformation for normality conformance.
limix.qc.compute_maf(X) Compute minor allele frequencies.
limix.qc.count_missingness(X) Count the number of missing values per column.
limix.qc.indep_pairwise(X, window_size, …) Determine pair-wise independent variants.
limix.qc.mean_impute(X) Column-wise impute NaN values by column mean.
limix.qc.mean_standardize(X[, axis, out]) Zero-mean and one-deviation normalisation.
limix.qc.normalise_covariance(K[, out]) Variance rescaling of covariance matrix K.
limix.qc.quantile_gaussianize(x) Normalize a sequence of values via rank and Normal c.d.f.
limix.qc.regress_out(Y, X[, return_b]) Regresses out X from Y
limix.qc.remove_dependent_cols(X[, tol, verbose]) Remove dependent columns.
limix.qc.unique_variants(X) Filters out variants with the same genetic profile.


limix.stats.allele_expectation(p, nalleles, …) Allele expectation.
limix.stats.allele_frequency(expec) Compute allele frequency from its expectation.
limix.stats.Chi2Mixture([scale_min, …]) A class for continuous random variable following a chi2 mixture.
limix.stats.compute_dosage(expec[, alt]) Compute dosage from allele expectation.
limix.stats.confusion_matrix(df[, wsize]) Provide a couple of scores based on the idea of windows around genetic markers.
limix.stats.effsizes_se(effsizes, pvalues) Standard errors of the effect sizes.
limix.stats.empirical_pvalues(xt, x0) Function to compute empirical p-values.
limix.stats.linear_kinship(G[, out, verbose]) Estimate Kinship matrix via linear kernel.
limix.stats.lrt_pvalues(null_lml, alt_lmls) Compute p-values from likelihood ratios.
limix.stats.multipletests(pvals[, alpha, …]) Test results and p-value correction for multiple tests.
limix.stats.pca(X, ncomp) Principal component analysis.

Heritability estimation

limix.her.estimate(y, lik, K[, M, verbose]) Estimate the so-called narrow-sense heritability.

Quantitative trait loci

limix.qtl.scan(G, y, lik[, K, M, verbose]) Single-variant association testing via generalised linear mixed models.
limix.qtl.QTLModel(null_lml, alt_lmls, …) Result of a QTL analysis.

Plotting & Graphics

limix.plot.box_aspect([ax]) Change to box aspect considering the plotted points.
limix.plot.ConsensusCurve() Consolidate multiple curves in a single one.
limix.plot.image(file[, ax]) Show an image.
limix.plot.kinship(K[, nclusters, img_kws, ax]) Plot heatmap of a kinship matrix.
limix.plot.load_dataset(name) Example datasets.
limix.plot.manhattan(data[, colora, colorb, …]) Produce a manhattan plot.
limix.plot.normal(x[, bins, nstd, ax]) Plot a fit of a normal distribution to the data in x.
limix.plot.pca(X[, pts_kws, ax]) Plot the first two principal components of a design matrix.
limix.plot.power(pv[, label, alphas, …]) Plot number of hits across significance levels.
limix.plot.qqplot(a[, label, alpha, cutoff, …]) Quantile-Quantile plot of observed p-values versus theoretical ones.
limix.plot.image(file[, ax]) Show an image.

Generalised Linear Mixed Models

limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.covariance_matrices Get the covariance matrices.
limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.decomp() Get the fixed and random effects.
limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.fit([verbose]) Fit the model.
limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.fixed_effects Get the fixed effects.
limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.likname Get likelihood name.
limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.lml() Get the log of the marginal likelihood.
limix.glmm.GLMMComposer.y Get the outcome array.

Shell utilities

limix.sh.filehash(filepath) Compute sha256 from a given file.
limix.sh.download(url[, dest, verbose, force])
limix.sh.extract(filepath[, verbose])